JOKES DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OLD-TIME CHURCH SERVICES AND MODERN-TIME CHURCH SERVICES : 1. When the choristers of the old time finish singing, the congregation burst into tears because they sang down the glory, but in the modern, after the Delilahs and Jezebels finish singing, the congregation respond with a clap offering returning Ichabod to Ichabod. 2. In the old, during message, the congregation cry and tell God that they are sorry, but today, as message is going on people drop money, blow whistle and shout "ride on pastor". 3. The old went to Church and the message gave them faith but the modern went to church and the message gave them fake, (olive oil, handkerchief, apron, sticker, holy water, and calendars of their G. O.) 4.The ancient carried their bible in booklet because they were not ashamed of Jesus but some today carry ipad to church because they feel shy to be identified with Jesus and to such, Jesus will be ashamed of you on the last day. 5. The ol...